Saturday, July 4, 2009


Finally. Summer.
Actually, that's a lie. It has technically been 17 days since it has been summer, but I don't know if I can even really count the end of June as summer. I mean, who does? It always seems like the end of June is kinda, I don't know, the "lost days". You know what I'm talking about, the days where you basically laze around and do nothing but scheme for what you are going to accomplish, and eat. Oh yeah, I forgot, the days where you eat whatever is in from of you, not caring the nutritional value and how incredibly fat it is going to make you (okay, you care, but honestly, not nearly enough to actually do something about it) and then wondering why the hell are you still starving after eating an entire bar of chocolate and a bag of tostitos with salsa.
But I digress.
At the moment I am faced with a momentous time in the history of me- past, present and future.
I know that I have fretted about it before, but that was before it was imminent. It is imminent now but surprisingly, it still has yet to feel real. I know this can't be good, but I recognize the "non-goodness" of it and I am preparing myself for the upcoming blow that I am sure will hit me like an 18-wheeler on the freeway. Oh I am GREATLY excited.
So for the past couple days, I have been feverishly checking and the different college websites to see whether or not their "stuff" is up yet. It is. I looked. I'm scared.
After so long, this is it! The big one! *insert whatever other cliche you'd like here*
And it's freaking overwhelming..
So we'll see.
I just going to sit here and try to be inspired. Unfortunately, I cannot command inspiration so I'll be sitting here for who knows how long. I'll update soon, and hopefully with a more eloquent post than this..
(this was sort of word vomit don't you think?)

btw, Nate, see! I did update! I'm just a couple months late...