Monday, January 12, 2009

"Loser!!" really?

SO, I am desperately trying to stay awake long enough to finish all my reviews for my amazing midterms! Hooray!! *note sarcasm* (my grandma says that sarcasm is the worst possible thing, but I can't help but use it.) It's a pain in the ass. but I really need to do well so I'm gonna do them anyways.

So today's question: What Does It Take to Be a Loser?
Is it to feel like a loser inside? Or maybe it is to be unethical and corrupt? Or maybe it is to just lose.. I don't know to be honest.
I have dealt with many people I believe to be losers in my life, and at times I feel like I'm the Biggest Loser, (no pun intended) but it seems now that the line between being a loser or not is blurred.
I have always thought that smokers are losers, but my grandpa's a smoker, and he is most definitly NOT a loser. Also, apparently, Sharukh Khan is a smoker. He can't POSSIBLY be a loser, can he?
There are people who act awful. There really is no other word for it, just awful. I tell myself that the reason why they act like complete jerks is because deep inside they are losers. But then, I examine their point of view and I see that though it may not be the good thing to do, it's understandable. Is that what justifies what is wrong or right? If it's understandable or not? As in the words of "They Both Reached For the Gun" from Chicago.

Understandable, understandable
Yes, it's perfectly understandable
Comprehensible, comprehensible
Not a bit reprehensible
It's so defensible!

But is it? At the moment, I'm dealing with a lot of people where I can't exactly place what I feel about them. It's like I want to like them, but at the same time, I don't know if I do. I see the decisions they make and how they affect the people around them and I feel sorry. There is no other word for it really. I feel sad that they do things that are gonna come around and take a nice big bite out of their ass. For the most part, I feel like I need to make sure that they don't do it, but I've realized thats not my job. That's God's job. And as much as I wish, I'm not God. (sorry if thats blasphemous..)

Then there are the people who make YOU feel like a loser. They way they treat you, the things they say, the looks they give you, whatever, it makes you want to crawl up into a tight ball and hide in the closet with a big tub of Ben and Jerrys. I don't even know if they do it intentionally, but there are people who do and I think that they are the worst people. The reason they are the worst is because they are usually the people you love and care about the most. They turn around and shoot down all your dreams or tell you that you are in truth a failure or that they don't trust you and suddenly everything that you ever believed comes crashing down.
And I can say, in truth, it is the most horrible feeling ever.
And suddenly, regardless of any previous notions of self-confidence, you are a loser.

As Nate told me, Just Walk Away. There is nothing else you can really do, you have to be able to look beyond and move on. I know, it sounds like a bunch of philosophy garbabge, but it's true. It will hurt, regardless, there is nothing to stop the hurt. But you fight with love. By surrounding yourself with people who will love you unconditionally (a special thank you to my cat Chalupa, no matter how many times I push him away, he will always love me just the same) you heal the hurt with love. As cheesy as this sounds, with love, you are never a loser.

My final words on the loser-phenomena is that everyone will have a little loser in them. But everyone has a winner in them too, everyone so the loser part never has to win. No one has to act "cool" to be accepted by his friends because he is scared he won't be accepted, no one has to be cruel to one person so no one will be cruel to them. Contrary to popular belief, it's just NOT necessary.

On a lighter note, I'll be going to my first concert tomorrow with Alison and Marie. (Well my first concert was actually Justo Llamas with my Spanish class, but I don't really count that..) It will be Streetlight Manifesto and Reel Big Fish who are definitly a couple of my favorite bands!! Marie promised we'd go crowd surfing, I must say that I am very very excited.

Now, I should probably start my Math review which is sitting lonely in the corner just begging for my company... sad I know.

I leave you all and with the hope that this will be the Last Loser day ever!

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