Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Few of my Favorite Things

So at the moment I'm doing Aplia, (only the most amazingest online economic course ever!! w00t! ...note sarcasm) or more accurately trying to avoid doing it. Probably not the best idea, but at least I won't die of boredom. And to think, I want to major in Econ..
So I wondered if I would actually write this post. I had thought that after I had made one post, the novelty of having "my very own blog!!!" would wear off. But it didn't! I'm impressed I must say. According to my hand writing, since I don't cross my t's, I tend to not finish things, which is true. It's taken me some 3 or 4 years to knit half a scarf, pathetic I know. I just get bored, fast (as mentioned in the previous post). So my friends, we will have to wait and see. Will I pass the 3-week mark?
So, my promised explanations, here they come.
First, the Name of the Blog: Jumping in Puddles.
I had a bunch of names in mind but when I finally sat down to it, it just didn't seem right. I was thinking Singing in the Rain, probably my favorite musical of all-time. (I want Gene Kelly, yes I understand that he is dead, but regardless. When I get to heaven, that man is ALL mine..) But the more I thought of Singing in the Rain, the more I felt like a complete poser. And that's lame. So then I was like, hmm what about Dancing in the Rain? but that just sounded cliche and ill-fitting. I was gonna have what is now my URL name but I figured, the name of my blog probably SHOULD make sense, just so people don't think that I'm completely off my rocker.. And then, suddenly, unbidden from my mind, Jumping in Puddles just appeared to me. I decided to go with that stroke of inspiration and that is now the title of my blog!
Next, the URl: What a to do to die today
This is probably my favorite tounge twister of all time. I learned it back in YAG (young actors guild) ages ago but it still remains to be my calming mantra. When I'm particularly stressed out I rhyme outloud and say tounge twisters. It works rather well actually. I just found out that this tounge-twister was written by Lewis Carroll. I find that kinda ironic seeing that Alice in Wonderland is one of my least favorite books. (probably because I cannot STAND Alice. She needs a good slap, that girl is obnoxious.. But then again, I read that book ages ago so mybe I'll give it another chance.) Anyway, the actualy twister:

What a to-do to die today at a minute or two to two,
A thing distinctly hard to say but harder still to do.
For they'll beat a tattoo at a quarter to two:
A rat-ta tat-tat ta tat-tat ta to-to.
And the dragon will come when he hears the drum
At a minute or two to two today, at a minute or two to two.
(Lewis Carroll)

It's quite amazing isn't it? I think so.
So, moving on.
Pen Name: Contessa
So this was actually kinda hard for me. I was between quite a lot of names for this and I was very much conflicted. But between my parents, Alison, Nate and Ryan (who btw, is my favorite freshman buddy! and also Nates little brother..) I finally came up with Contessa. As many know, The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my all-time favorite books, and Edmund Dumas (aka the Count) is right up there in my favorite fictional characters. So why not be the Countess? Except Countess reminds me of that Count on Sesame Street or like Count Olaf or something. So I just changed the language to Italian (for I truly love Italy, someday I'd like to have a villa somewhere near Rome) and I have my pen name!
I can't think of much else that needs explanation, there is the Subtitle: The Adventure Begins, but I don't think you can see it in the actual blog, which is unfortunate.
Before I sign off for today, I promised my dear friend Andrew that I would advertise for him for AHSMB's new drum major. So this ones for you Passman,

For anyone who wonders, I seriously believe that he will do wonders and we will have an awesome season next year with him and Lauren on the podium. I must say, they are both pretty much amazing!

And with that I am signing off. And if anyone possibly knows how to come up with $3,680 dollars to publish AMag, that would be lovely if they could just let me know.

Monday, here I come..

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