Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fail Post.

Oh computer jargon, how much do I hate thee?
A lot. I really really hate you a LOT and no, that was not rhetorical. It is slightly comical to an outsider, I'm sure, with how utterly dismal I am at all this computer stuff seeing that the majority of my crew are mandated by the University of Michigan to know the basics that seem to continue to elude me. Maybe that's why all these engineers continue to be my closest friends, so they can help me with my many problems.. After all, everything does happen for a reason! [Seriously though, if anyone wants to write some html code for me and make things work that would be greatly appreciated..]

Along this vein in a less facetious note, I have determined that I must marry an engineer/math/numbers-like person. I cannot go the rest of my life not knowing how the moving and functioning world works (not the breathing world or the past breathing world- I got that all down!). Or even worse would be to have to endure someone who has the same perspective and agrees with me all the time and possibly believes that they are better than me: now how is that fun? But I think most importantly of all I am fascinated by the way engineers think. Logic is sexy.
You can't really argue with that.

Or this... That's right, he is doing crazy things with numbers in that head of his.

This was meant to be a long post in honor of "My Girls" and our silly childhood fantasies made into reality by a certain Alfred Angelo but alas my time was cut short by an excellent middle school fantasy read- Fablehaven- and my failure at trying to do cool things to my blog. But I did update! That post will come but for now, Hooray for the commencing of consistency!

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