Saturday, June 11, 2011

Romance: Diamonds and Disney

I thought for special inspiration for this post I would listen to "True Love's Kiss" from Enchanted. This will be a lovely post :)
So I just finished watching 27 Dresses with my roommate Hannah and anyone who knows me at all would  know about how exactly obsessed I am with weddings as of now. I'm not quite sure what it is per say, maybe it is finally discovering Netflix and the plethora of Say Yes to the Dress episodes (I have finished watching all 8 seasons that Netflix provides already) or there seems to be weddings around every corner yet I am not directly involved in any, but there is definitely something sucking my inner moth in to the metaphorical flame of weddings and other ostentatious displays of love.
I'd personally like to place much of the responsibility of this attraction, though slowly burgeoning obsession, on the things that lie near and dear to a girl's heart: Disney and diamonds. I have discovered today that Tiffany's has created a website all about the romance of romance and New York and all of the lovely sparkly diamonds. I kind of cried- What Makes Love True is absolutely fantastic and is a prime example as to why we girls still believe in fairytales, no matter how old we are. We believe in them because we know that somewhere, they're real.
Oh the curse of Disney princes... They just seem so tangible! We are an intelligent female generation and realize that it is absolutely ludicrous to lust after an animated character but the amount of times I have heard about how absolutely gorgeous Shang is without his shirt on or how handsome and blonde John Smith is (Ok, Johnny is all me..) is most definitely a lot. I would like to think that we look beyond the animation and into the potential of what these Disney princes are, even if they aren't all royal, and what they could be if they were actually real.

Or they could turn into James Marsden which I would take any day.
ANY day.
Whether marathons of wedding shows or Disney movies or even romantic comedies, there is always that hope that art is an imitation of life. But I definitely wouldn't want to think that my life is the plotline for some gritty drama that sweeps the Oscars. Personally, I'd much much rather be in a RomCom. 

It may be that Disney requires a little imagination but it is not, and never should be, considered only a silly flight of fancy. We all need a little hope and dreaming in our lives because though it may not come in the form of a prince valiantly fighting some dreadful monster, or choosing to remain a frog so that you two can be together, I believe the fairytale is waiting to come true. After all, someone is buying all those Tiffany's rings

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