Thursday, June 9, 2011

Of Thunderstorms and Toddlers...

I've always loved thunderstorms, especially in the summer. I realized that I love them as long as I don't live next to a large tree that seems to be begging to get struck by lightning just to match the flooded streets. But if I close my eyes and go to the other treeless side of the apartment? Well then, I love thunderstorms.

This isn't quite the thunderstorm that is going outside my apartment but it's still a beautiful storm. It happened in Chile after the eruption of the Volcano Puyehue. I think that it is absolutely gorgeous.
National Geographical is a wonderful thing!

It feels as if today's storm has wiped all the creativity right out of me. All day at work, while mindlessly entering data I had all these crazy ideas as to what to write and it seems as if they have been clear washed away. I guess that the great Disney Prince exposé will have to wait till this weekend, which by the way, I am very much looking forward to. I have a glorious three days planned of wedding movies, making my own indian food, and intense detoxing (For anyone who is wondering, Friday is most definitely considered a weekend).
Well until then, it seems as if I will have to be content with soaking up the stormy atmosphere and watching funny videos on youtube. Like this one! I am looking forward to the day I have children so they can be this awesome.

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